The full text of Rule 12 at the JREF Forums reads, Attack the argument, not the arguer. Having your opinion, claim or argument challenged, doubted or dismissed is not attacking the arguer. Seems like a good idea in general, but some things just need to be said, ya know? Biting your tongue gets old and leads to hairy palms. Here are some choice comments about a few of the more...interesting... forum members. We're all thinking these kinds of things. I'm just writing them down. If you'd like somebody reviewed here, leave a comment somewhere. I'll see it. 

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Skeptic Ginger (formerly Skeptigirl)

Nobody could possibly be more impressed with Skeptic Ginger than Skeptic Ginger. When it comes to ego, she puts most of the blowhards at the JREF to shame. It all stems from her insecurity that she's only a nurse practitioner. You didn't know she was a nurse practitioner? I think she might have mentioned once or a thousand times. That's her standard tactic when people are showing her to be the inattentive, blowhard bitch that she is.
It's a shame she wasn't smart enough to continue her medical education. She would have made an excellent doctor. She's got the pompous thing down pat, and she's fully mastered the art of not listening and talking at people rather than with them. She desperately wants respect, which is why she just can't shut up. People just misunderstand her, and if you disagree, well, that's because you're not a nurse practitioner. She knows that if she tells you that you're wrong and repeats herself, you'll finally see the light.

Did you know that she thought a human and a sheep could make a baby? Let's not let the trivial matter of differing numbers of chromosomes get in the way. She saw a blurry picture of an aborted sheep and determined through her expert eyes that the squashed "face" of the beast looked human. Nevermind that an experienced vet said that it looks typical of aborted sheep, Skeptic Ginger thought it merited a DNA test just to be sure. I guess they didn't cover basic biology in nurse practitioner school.

But her expertise is not limited to medicine. Dear me, she's expert in many fields. Just take a look at her 58 posts in the thread about Amanda Cox. Apparently Ginger is an expert in crime investigation as well. She knows Amanda Cox was convicted because she did a cartwheel at the police station. Everyone else in the thread is either an idiot or misunderstanding her. This idiot even used her "credentials" to establish without a doubt that the reason a parent lied to the press and tried to extort money from the school system is because the school administrators communicated poorly with the dad. She knows because, dude, it's just like a medical practice. I'm glad that is settled. Phew!

She's the reason the Ignore feature was added to every forum software program in existence.

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