The full text of Rule 12 at the JREF Forums reads, Attack the argument, not the arguer. Having your opinion, claim or argument challenged, doubted or dismissed is not attacking the arguer. Seems like a good idea in general, but some things just need to be said, ya know? Biting your tongue gets old and leads to hairy palms. Here are some choice comments about a few of the more...interesting... forum members. We're all thinking these kinds of things. I'm just writing them down. If you'd like somebody reviewed here, leave a comment somewhere. I'll see it. 

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Algebra34 just got banned by the JREF Administrators. Word on the street is that he was a sock puppet for Homeland Insurgency. Both are 9/11 Truthers, which is to say they are idiots. Come on, people, get over this 9/11 CT stuff already. The conspiracy theories have been so solidly debunked for years now that there's really nothing left to be said. Even if any of it were true, nobody is going to listen. It's over, baby! They eventually stopped making movies about Gilligan's Island, and that premise was a lot more believable.

What I don't get is why you Truthers have to be such assholes about it. I know you're a bunch of lunatics, but do you have to be raving lunatics? Can't you just present your evidence and move on? I've met strung-out crack whores less persistent than you people. It's bad enough that you get banned from the forums, but do you really need to create sock puppets to come back and repeat the same arguments? There's plenty of free porn out there. Make use of God's gift.

The only thing worse than you are all the 9/11 CT debunkers. Here's a tip for you people: Truthers just like talking about this stuff. You're feeding their obsession. You're not actually accomplishing anything except telling the world that you like to engage raving lunatics for sport. You must be very proud. And you must be even more proud arguing with a banned member's sock puppet! Go do something more useful and challenging, like teaching a nun to pole dance.

And Algebra34, if you come back with another sock puppet, we're going to have to make a little trip to the woodshed.

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